
How can we see beyond our current state of oppression, polarization, and extraction to build a better future? We asked Anne Snick to share insights from her brilliant Young Persons’ Guide to the Future.

Pandemic. Vaccine. Climate emergency. Is it controversial to say that we need scientific knowledge to understand and deal with issues like these? Not on our show. But it’s no question that public trust in science has diminished in recent years. In this episode, we speak with Avisha NessAiver (@distilledscience) about his work delivering digestible scientific knowledge on  social media and how we can reestablish trust in this essential field.

These children had nowhere to go. Then, Silke Rösner created Kinder Paradise. Kinder Paradise is a children’s home in Ghana where kids who have been orphaned, abandoned, or formerly enslaved can find a safe place to live, learn, and grow. In this episode, we ask Silke to share her story and discuss the power of purpose-driven action to transform a community. 

Two preschool teachers share their experience as part of the Red for Ed statewide walkout in Arizona, where teachers had been underpaid and undervalued.